Finding out that your insurance policy has changed: What to do

On Behalf of Zar Law Firm | Jul 5, 2024 | Property Insurance Claims

Few things are more shocking than filing a claim with your insurance provider only to discover that your insurance policy coverage has mysteriously changed. This can be confusing and frustrating at a time when you need some financial relief following significant property damage.

Even though your insurance provider has the liberty to modify certain policy terms in specific situations, they are legally mandated to notify you of the upcoming alterations beforehand. So, what should you do if you find that your insurer has altered your policy without your consent or knowledge?

When changes are allowed

It’s crucial to remember that your insurance provider isn’t completely restricted from making adjustments to your insurance policy. They can make modifications due to the following:

  • Changes in regulations
  • Increased risk factors
  • Internal policy adjustments

That said, they ought to follow specific protocols to help ensure you are not left in the dark. First and foremost, your insurer is legally mandated to notify you about the changes they intend to make to your insurance policy and when these changes will be effective. Such changes can include:

  • Alterations in premium rates
  • Coverage limits
  • The introduction of new exclusions

Suppose you don’t agree with the upcoming changes, you can contact your insurer to discuss options, which might include negotiating terms or canceling your policy.

Immediate steps to take

When you discover mysterious changes to your insurance policy, the first course of action should be to compare the current version with your original policy to identify the specific alterations the insurer made. Perhaps the insurer introduced coverage limits or additional terms that weren’t part of the original policy.

Once you have your facts rights, you can reach out to your insurance provider for clarification. Since your insurance policy is a legally binding contract, you have the right to request an explanation for the changes. Don’t forget to ask for documentation that justifies the alterations as well. It can be helpful to communicate in writing to have a record of all interactions.

It can help to seek clarification from your insurance provider when you notice mysterious changes to your insurance policy. If your insurer fails to provide a satisfactory explanation or refuses to revert the changes, consider seeking appropriate legal guidance. Legal support during this time can help protect your rights and help you to pursue the best course of action.